I believe it goes without saying that if you haven’t seen the Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer yet then you need to stop reading! Watch the trailer and come back! Spoiler Alerts***Major! Continue reading

I believe it goes without saying that if you haven’t seen the Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer yet then you need to stop reading! Watch the trailer and come back! Spoiler Alerts***Major! Continue reading
Review – Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – ‘0-8-4’
By Galen L. Garner
Last night’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was filled with exciting gun battles, flirtatious international romance, adventurous exploration throughout the Incan world, and Continue reading
(ABC, Tuesday nights 8/7 CT)
Review by Galen Galen
The aftermath of The War of New York is upon us and the world is no longer the same. Humans are not alone. Aliens, superheroes, and even gods live amongst the once quiet planet of Earth. This is where Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D places us going into last night’s series premiere. Continue reading
The Couch Nerd: Quickie for the Week
By Galen Garner
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! We are in for a wonderful week with the big kick off of three of two of our major shows that we will be following here at the Couch Nerd. For a quick reminder, I try my best to warn about spoilers, but I can’t always promise that I will not remember to do so. (I had someone ruin Harry Potter for me, so since then my spoiler soul has been dead.) Continue reading
The Couch Nerd: Bag and Bored’s Weekly Television Report
By Galen Garner
Welcome to The Couch Nerd. This is Bag and Bored’s newest addition to our already wonderful site full of reviews on comics and entertainment. I am Galen and I will be your guide this fall as we explore the upcoming television shows that will definitely tickle your inner nerd. Continue reading
Review by Galen Garner
DIRECTED BY: James Mangold
SCREENPLAY BY: Mark Bomback, Scott Frank
STARRING: Hugh Jackman, Tao Okamota, Rila Fukushima, Hiroyuki Sanada
With the summer of blockbuster bombs that have decimated the silver screens of America, The Wolverine was a breath of fresh air to the smoke filled Hollywood backdrop. Continue reading
(DC Comics, 2013)
Review by Galen Garner
I love that this issue of Batman and Superman came out a few days after the big DC movie announcement last week at the San Diego Comic-Con. If anyone hasn’t been on the Internet in the last week then I am happy to be the one to let you know that DC Comics is going to produce a Batman and Superman movie to be release in 2015.
If the cinema versions of the Caped Crusader and the Last Son of Krypton compliment each other anything like Pak’s version, the world is in for a wonderful treat. Continue reading
Review by Galen Garner
DIRECTED BY: Guillermo Del Torro
STORY BY: Travis Beacham
SCREENPLAY BY: Travis Beacham & Guillermo Del Torro
STARRING: Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Rinko Kikuchi, and Charlie Day
Warning – Spoilers!
Giant robots fight giant sea monsters!
Last night, I decided that it was time for me to go see Pacific Rim in the all and powerful IMAX Experience. I am usually a major snob when it comes to IMAX movies and reserve them for superhero movies, so I felt like I was walking on broken glass going into the theatre. Continue reading
(Marvel Comics, 2013)
Reviewed by Galen Garner
WRITTEN BY: Matt Fraction
ARTWORK BY: Francesco Francavilla
For the second time since the new Hawkeye series began last year, Matt Fraction has once again teamed up with pulp-comic artist Francesco Francavilla for the most recent issues of Hawkeye. Continue reading