I believe it goes without saying that if you haven’t seen the Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer yet then you need to stop reading! Watch the trailer and come back! Spoiler Alerts***Major! Continue reading

I believe it goes without saying that if you haven’t seen the Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer yet then you need to stop reading! Watch the trailer and come back! Spoiler Alerts***Major! Continue reading
(Marvel Comics, 2013)
Review by Shawn Warner
WRITTEN BY: Brian Posehn & Gerry Duggan
ARTWORK BY: Declan Shalvey
COLOR ARTWORK BY: Jordie Bellaire
Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn have written the “Pagliacci” of comic books, in the pages of their “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” story arc beats and breaks the heart of Marvel’s merry mercenary. However Duggan and Posehn have shown us that Deadpool is much more than Continue reading
(Marvel Comics, 2013)
Review by Shawn Warner
WRITTEN BY: Brian Posehn & Gerry Duggan
ARTWORK BY: Declan Shalvey
COLOR ARTWORK BY: Jordie Bellaire
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly just keeps getting better, and part three is a perfect amalgamation of all the things that make us love Deadpool. The humor is stepped up a bit in this issue compared to the previous two parts but the tonal shift to darker more complex emotional subject matter is still very evident. Continue reading
Reported by Shawn Warner
I arrived at the Baltimore Convention Center prepared for the second day of Comic-Con completely solo. My comic book compatriots had abandoned me opting for Continue reading
(Marvel Comics, 2013)
Review by Shawn Warner
WRITTEN BY: Rick Remender
BREAKDOWNS BY: John Romita Jr.
FINISHES BY: Klaus Janson with Scott Hanna & Tom Palmer
We are breathlessly approaching the conclusion of Rick Remender and John Romita Jr’s epic opening story arc, with one issue remaining the complex multi-layered plot shows no signs of slowing. Continue reading
(Marvel Comics, 2013)
Review by Shawn Warner
WRITTEN BY: Rick Remender
PENCILS BY: John Romita Jr.
INKS BY: Scott Hanna & Klaus Janson
There is light at the end of the tunnel but will Cap survive to reach it and if he does will he be in one piece, recent events in Zolandia would make this a tough call. Issue number seven begins with a flashback two years prior to the events currently taking place. Continue reading
(Marvel Comics, 2013)
Review by Chris Ambrosio
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Illustrator: Bryan Hitch
Colors: Paul Mounts
Letters: Cory Petit
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Hey guys I’m back with a review of Age of Ultron issue #2!
I reviewed this issue quite quickly because I am working on a very large review coming sometime next week a double issue review on issues #16 and #17 of Deathstroke. Hope you guys like a little Slade Wilson.
The first astonishing issue of Age of Ultron left the readers with many unanswered questions, which we find out the protagonists and supporting characters are pondering themselves. Ultron’s extreme onslaught brings on a feel that is like no other we have seen before. Continue reading
(MARVEL NOW!, 2013) - Reviewed by Feral Fang
The Marvel Now! ‘Captain America’ title keeps getting better and better, and I was already excited after the first issue, so this makes me happy. Opening up one year after the end of issue #1, we find Cap and his new side-kick roughing it - no shelter, hardly any food, dangers around every corner. Steve Rogers has grown long hair and a beard, and the boy he is protecting (Ian) also sports a more aged look, even with it only being a year that has passed. This shows you how much the two have gone through in the past 12 months - the battles and the hunger has nearly broken them, causing Cap to momentarily consider ending their lives. He only toys with the idea for a split second before regaining his composure, but it was an option for a second, that’s how bad things have gotten for them. Still trapped in Dimension Z, they deal with dangerous sand storms, a hostile environment on all fronts, and an attack by ‘the Mutates’, creatures that resemble how it might look if you mixed the Brood with Venom. Genetically engineered ‘evil’, these creatures have varied powers and vehicles with which to attack. This fight leads into an awesome creature reveal, which then leads us to the end of the issue, with both Cap and Ian in a very deadly situation. The writing by Rick Remender and John Romita Jr.’s artwork are still perfectly executed, and I was excited to see more flashbacks to the younger Steve Rogers, the vulnerable and powerless kid with the world crashing around him. The character study underlining the main storyline is great and flows perfectly from scene-to-scene. This is still my favorite Marvel Now! title so far, and once again the team behind this book have created something really special.
- 5 out of 5 Murder-Slices
Here’s some quick comic news blurbs and links for you!
- Visit ‘Dimension Z’ from the new Marvel NOW! Captain America title, with an interview from Marvel with writer Rick Remender, with some preview art from the amazing John Romita, Jr.! -> http://marvel.com/news/story/19853/captain_america_enter_dimension_z_pt_1
- Vote on the “Most Surprising (In A Good Way) Comic of 2012″ Poll over at Bleeding Cool! Some great choices! -> http://www.bleedingcool.com/2012/12/16/most-surprising-in-a-good-way-comic-of-2012-nominations/
- Issue information (including an Art Adams cover!) from CBR for Robert Kirkman’s “Invincible” Issue #100, where I guess a lot of characters die! Kirkman is turning into a comic character serial killer! :D -> http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=42730
- ComiXology has announced a few new features, including ‘bookmark’ & ‘continue’ features, better sharing capabilities, and a new feature that allows continuing from where you left off on a different device! Read it all here: -> http://blog.comixology.com/2012/12/18/read-pause-continue-across-all-devices-with-new-comixology-feature/
- The awesome color reprints of the original (and not goofy like the cartoon) ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ has entered into Volume 3, with 128 pages of TMNT goodness! I’ve really been enjoying re-reading this after so long (though I do miss the black and white look somewhat, had a better feel to it for the style, etc.), and these collections are AWESOME. Get the info here: -> http://www.comicsalliance.com/2012/12/18/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-classics-vol-3-preview/
- Looking for that special something for that special comic fan in your life (or yourself)? Well, then check out Comics Alliance’s awesome “Holiday Gift Guide: Deluxe Editions, Omnibusses, and Art Books” - some very classic and great works represented on this monster of a list! -> http://www.comicsalliance.com/2012/12/18/holiday-gift-guide-deluxe-edition-comics-omnibus-art-book-2012/
- DC Comics have lost the rights to some classic characters such as the Spirit, Doc Savage, and the Avenger, but keep rights to the Spirit archives -> http://comicbook.com/blog/2012/12/18/dc-comics-retains-the-rights-to-the-spirit-archives-but-loses-pulp-heroes/
- Dan Slott, writer of ‘Amazing Spider-Man’, and especially the final storyline, has been receiving death threats. Yes, over a story in a comic. Read about the bull here on CBR -> http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=42731
Black Widow as drawn by amazingly talented artist Chris Bachalo (click to see a larger version)!
(MARVEL COMICS, 2012) - Reviewed by Feral Fang
I have never been much of a Captain America fan. I guess I just always found him to be cheesy, either in character or his costume, or even a mix of both. I used to regard Superman in the same way, but that changed over time to a full-on love, and the same thing is happening for me with Captain America. Mostly based on his steadfast ‘voice of reason and safety’ position during the whole “Avengers Vs. X-Men” and it’s lead up story lines, since I’m not exactly all that well versed on his comic adventures. The film “Avengers” made up for the somewhat crappy earlier Cap film, so I’m sure that helped, as well. Either way you look at it, Marvel NOW! has launched with Captain America #1 being one of the main titles, and this is a book of high quality. The pulp-y feel of this title (heightened by the first ‘present day’ scene of Cap fighting in a WWII era bomber) brings a timelessness to Cap, making it seem all at once his past and our present. A large part of this perfectly crafted first issue is the always awesome John Romita Jr., who seems able to capture any setting or character without it looking awkward or out of his artistic range. He’s been quite the fun artist to watch - from the old flat noses he used to have on just about every character’s face, to the damn beautiful work he’s done in Amazing Spider-Man. I’ve enjoyed his work throughout, and this was no exception. With the amazing Klaus Janson on inks, the images jump off the page, powered by the perfectly rendered artwork. I was surprised to see the book open on a flashback scene to the 1920′s, with Steve Rogers/Captain-to-be as a child. His father is in the middle of abusing Steve’s mother as he hides under the kitchen table. What struck me the most was the Father’s mention of ‘ever since we moved to this country’, and how they were Irish immigrants. I had never seen this portrayed in such a way before, and it struck me - Captain America, the old-time, classic American figure, was probably the first of the family to be born in the United States (he’s rather young in the flash back), but it’s that idealistic dream of this country, the one never realized, where every nationality, race, etc. meant nothing as far as status or worth. America was you and them, all of us as one solidified country. It was a nice idea, and by now mostly nostalgic in its truth, but that was the dream. Having Steve Rogers as a part of one of our country’s experiments with mass-immigration, that wonderful dream of a ‘melting pot’, makes him all the more American, in my eyes. Rick Remender’s script is tightly woven, and a damn good story, if a bit quick to get to some scenes. If you’ve seen any of the advertising for this book (and there was quite a lot), you know that this first adventure has Cap traveling (not by choice) to a place known as ‘Dimension Z’, an unearthly ‘Dimension’ where he will have to fight to survive. This is actually one of the things that made me so excited to get my hands on this - I had wondered how they would treat the new title, and this premise is both unique and creative in many ways. Take Cap out of his element. Awesome. I recommend a lot of books on here, but if you are even remotely interested, I’d say go for it - jump in the ride and see where it takes you. You might be very happy you did.
- 5 out of 5 Misplaced Superheroes