
REVIEW: ‘Stray Bullets: Killers’ #2

(Image Comics / El Capitan, 2014)

Written, Drawn, & Lettered by David Lapham

David Lapham is one of the most versatile writers working in comicbooks today. His work runs the gamut from super hero stories to extremely poignant human drama but the one element that all of his writing has is common is great character development; perhaps best known for his Stray Bullets series or his substantial contribution to the Avatar schlock horror/porn series Crossed, Lapham has also brought his uniquely human narratives to some of the most iconic super heroes Continue reading


REVIEW: ‘Edison Rex’ #15

(Monkeybrain Comics, 2014)

Story by Chris Roberson & Dennis Culver
Written by Dennis Culver
Artwork by Dennis Culver
Color Artwork by Stephen Downer

In many ways human culture is obsessed with the very nature of time as it relates to our lives.  We see ourselves through a lense of our past, though it is a biased and individually skewed one depending on what our outlook on life tends to be.  We look ahead fueled by our dreams and tempered with our worries and faults, and we try to find an idealized future within these confines.  We abstractly think of the paths and choices that may lead to such a life, trying to find direction.

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