By Shawn Warner
The November solicitations have been released and the All-New All-Different Marvel Universe is in full swing. Many of the titles that have been anticipated for several months now will see new number ones or, in many cases, series debuts, the total number of solicited titles for November alone is over one hundred. One of the biggest events beginning in November is the first inter-title Star Wars crossover; the six part event titled “Vader Down” will be a collaborative effort co- written by Star Wars proper scribe Jason Aaron and Darth Vader series writer Kieron Gillen. Aaron describes the plot as, “The rebels have Vader in quite the predicament. He’s alone. He’s grossly outnumbered and his ship has crashed on this alien landscape.” It sounds like the rebels have the dark lord of the Sith right where they want him, the question is can they seal the deal. Obviously we know Vader makes it out alive, but the fun is seeing him actually do it and with these two great writers at the helm we can expect lots of light sabers clashing, blasters, well, blasting I suppose and loads more high flying action and white knuckle suspense before it’s all said and done.
Perhaps the biggest single issue to be released in November is the much heralded All-New All-Different Avengers written by Mark Waid with art by Adam Kubert and covers by the incomparable Alex Ross. In the wake of Secret Wars the Avengers find themselves living separate lives no longer a team; that is until an extra-terrestrial threat sets its sights on Earth. Now Cap, Thor, Iron Man and Vision must assemble once more in the face of insurmountable odds. This book promises all the big thrills we have come to expect from Marvel’s current flagship title. Mark Waid’s brilliant storytelling along with Adam Kubert’s gorgeous artwork make this a must read for any True Believer.
eff Lemire continues the daunting task of following Matt Fraction’s groundbreaking turn on Hawkeye. Lemire along with Ramon Perez on art bring us all the exciting tales of both Hawkeyes, Kate and Clint in All-New Hawkeye #1 as they attempt to come to grips with past mistakes. Another series getting the All-New treatment is Wolverine, however this time it’s not Logan popping the razor sharp adamantium claws but Laura Kinney aka X-23. Once mentored by Logan Laura must now take up the mantle and become the hero he once was. All-New Wolverine #1 written by Tom Taylor
with art by David Lopez and David Navarrot looks to carry on the dark and violent action that has made Wolverine such a popular and entertaining character. The final series adding All-New to the title in November is All-New X-Men, written by Dennis Hopeless with art by Mark Bagley. Bagley is probably best known for his work on Spider-Man brings his classic style to Marvel’s team of merry mutants. Set in a time when mutants are hated and feared more than ever, the few enduring X-Men have gone into seclusion leaving the fate of mutant-kind in the hands of the teen-aged Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Angel, Kid Apocalypse, Oya and the All New Wolverine. The future is in their hands, I cannot wait to see what they do with it.
Although these are the only titles to boast the All-New All-Different banner they are far from the only new titles being offered in Marvel’s November solicitations. New number ones and fresh takes on old favorites abound in this treasure trove of Marvel magnificence; Amazing Spider-Man is back with a new #1.1, as is Carnage with a new number one of his own. Also seeing new starts with number ones are Nova, Spider-Woman, Star-Lord, Venom, Drax and Deadpool, of course there are other series making debuts such as; Web Warriors, Illuminati, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur and Black Knight.
November is the first big month of post-Secret Wars solicitations and Marvel is certainly bringing out the big guns and not just in titles but in creators as well; there are books by Dennis Hopeless, Charles Soule and Gerry Duggan on the horizon. Looking ahead things don’t appear to slow down much for the holiday season either. The All-New All-Different Marvel Universe has some pretty big shoes to fill but the House of Ideas seems to be putting their best foot forward and hitting the ground running, okay enough foot metaphors you get the picture. So if you have been on board for the wild ride that has been Secret Wars I would suggest staying put, I know I am and continuing to make mine Marvel.
Shawn is an aspiring writer/ artist who has been reading, collecting and living comic books for over 30 years. He lives in Baltimore with his wife, their son, lots of cats, dogs and other various finned and furry friends.
I’m looking forward to almost all of it.