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REVIEW: Postal #2

(Image Comics/Top Cow, 2015)

Written by Bryan Hill and Matt Hawkins
Art by Isaac Goodhart
Colors by Betsy Gonia
Letters by Troy Peteri

How do you ferret out the truth when the teller is a proven liar? Where do you turn to solve a murder in a town filled with convicted criminals? Who can you possibly believe? Continue reading

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REVIEW: Postal #1

(Image Comics, 2015)

Written by Bryan Hill and Matt Hawkins
Art by Isaac Goodhart
Colors by Betsy Gonia
Letters by Troy Peteri

When I was a kid it was easy to find the hero in the story. The guy with the tights, the girl with the lasso, the mild-mannered person who occupied nearly every frame of the book until something bad happened, and then they pulled a cape out and went to work was the good guy. The bad guy was the one who either had a sinister grin on his face, or was dangling the hero’s lady-friend or aged aunt off the edge of a building.

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REVIEW: ‘Tales of Honor’ #1

(Top Cow/Image Comics, 2014)

Writer – Matt Hawkins
Artist – Jung-Geun Yoon
Letterer – Troy Peteri
Editor – Betsy Gonia

I grew up reading the Asimov’s Science Fiction and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, both the small, reader’s digest size magazines that fit so well into your back pocket or hid perfectly in that small front zippered pocket of your backpack. At the time Continue reading