Bag and Bored Spotlight: Michigan Comics

Spotlight: The MCC and Source Point Press

When you dream about becoming a comic creator, your thoughts run along the lines of this. Finish high school, go to art school, drop out of art school because you’re better than that, move to New York or Los Angeles, and walk into Marvel or DC’s main office with a full portfolio, at which point they exclaim at your genius and throw a pile of money at you, begging you to draw their most iconic characters.

It almost never happens like that. Continue reading

REVIEW: Rampant

(Source Point Press, 2014)

Written and Illustrated by Joshua Werner

This is a bit of a departure for me as I usually stay in the realm of the comic book when I’m reviewing something.  Joshua Werner is a comic writer and illustrator on top of a novelist, so I’m not straying too far from the self-made boundaries of my tiny comfort zone. Continue reading


REVIEW: ‘Jack of Spades’ #1

(Sourcepoint Press, 2014)

Written by Trico Lutkins
Art by Joshua Werner

I love social media, from a comic book and reviewer standpoint, because of the ability it gives me to get into contact with people actually working in the industry. To know that the writer of a book read my review and enjoyed it, or that I caught the subtlety in a piece of art that the artist hoped the reader would get, it makes it all worth it.

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