Greetings and salutations fellow citizens of Gotham, this week we are on the beat with Lt. James Gordon in a Zero Year tie-in over at Detective Comics #25, then we go cross town over to Bridge City in Gotham where Continue reading

Greetings and salutations fellow citizens of Gotham, this week we are on the beat with Lt. James Gordon in a Zero Year tie-in over at Detective Comics #25, then we go cross town over to Bridge City in Gotham where Continue reading
Greetings my fellow Gothamites and welcome to the tenth installment of Weekly Bat Signals where we discuss all things related to our favorite Dark Knight Detective Continue reading
Greetings and salutations fellow Gothamites, it that time of the week when we, the faithful followers of The Bat gather to discuss the Dark Knight Detective in deepest detail. This week the Bat Signal is focused on two books Continue reading
This week we examine the evidence in the latest issue of Detective Comics written by John Layman with art by Jason Fabok, after that we Continue reading
(DC Comics, 2013)
Review by Raymond Jacques
MAIN STORY: “King For A Day”
WRITTEN BY: Jon Layman
ARTWORK BY: Jason Fabok
LETTERING BY: Jared K. Fletcher
BACKUP STORY: “Empire Of The Son”
WRITTEN BY: John Layman
ARTWORK BY: Andy Clarke
This issue is the finale of the “Emperor Penguin” storyline that began in Detective Comics #13 which followed the rise of henchman, Ignatius Ogilvy, from the ranks of The Penguin’s Lieutenant and his calculated dismantling of Oswald Cobblepot’s unbreakable grip on Gotham City’s underworld. Continue reading