
REVIEW: Zombies Versus Robots #1

(IDW Publishing, 2015)

Written by Chris Ryall and Steve Niles
Art by Anthony Diecidue, Ashley Wood, and Val Mayerik
Colors by Jay Fotos

There are times that my docket for reviews is nearly empty, and other times when my desktop is so full of PDF icons that I can hardly see the picture of my children, peering out from the background. This is one of those times, and I admit, I lucked out, because as I was clicking through them, getting and idea for what was there, I happened upon this gem.

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REVIEW: ‘Toe Tag Riot’ #2

(Black Mask Studios, 2014)

Created by Matt Miner and Sean Von Gorman
Written by Matt Miner
Pencils and Inks by Sean Von Gorman
Colors by Savanna Ganucheau
Lettered by Sean Von Gorman

Confrontation has never been a place where I’ve felt comfortable.  Who knows the roots?  If my sister is reading this she’ll laugh and nod and say “Yup, that’s our family…”(Test here to see if she really reads these like she says she does…) Perhaps it is some form of latent Catholic guilt, rising up within at the sound of a raised voice, or maybe it’s the years Continue reading


REVIEW: ‘Under the Flesh’ #1

(Escape Comics, 2014)

Created and Written by G. Deltres
Illustrated and Lettered by J.L. Giles

Under the Flesh is a zombie story.  It’s a good zombie story.  With that out in front, I must digress a bit.

I’m moderately frustrated with the entertainment industry.  Don’t get me wrong, I love where it’s been going in the last twenty years, and the content in the last ten has been fantastic. Continue reading


REVIEW: ‘Zombie B.C.’ #1

(Self Published)

Story – Stephen Vold
Lead Artist – Steven Williams
Cover Artist – Malcom McClinton

Most people I know, over 30 geeks, hate to admit they’re part of a trend. It is abhorrent to admit that you follow the “in” crowd, especially when you’ve spent a good part of your life socially ostracized because of your passion for geeky things. Continue reading


REVIEW: ‘Gateway’ #2

(IDW Publishing, 2014)

Created by Joe Halpin Sr. and Joe Halpin Jr.
Written by Joe Halpin Sr.
Pencils and Inks by Juanfrancisco Moyano
Assistant Inker: D.F. Martin
Colorist: Joe Halpin Jr.
Assistant Colorist: Joaquin Pereyra
Letterer: Tom B. Long

Hell is terrifying. That’s sort of the point. We’ve seen it as a setting over and over again throughout literature and right into comic books. And it’s been proven as a great setting for comics. Spawn comes to the fore without even thinking about it. Of course there is always the flip side of that as well Continue reading

REVIEW: “Code Monkey Save World” #1 and #2

(Monkeybrain Comics, 2013)

Review by Brad Gischia

Written by Greg Pak
Based on the songs of Jonathan Coulton
Pencils and Inks by Takeshi Miyazawa
Colors by Jessica Kholinne
Letters by Simon Bowland

*Some Spoilage

(Cue deep and gravelly voiced announcer) “In a world…where zombie armies roam, where animated dolls creep into your nighttime bedroom, where giant alien squids hover over your town like a baby Cthulu…don’t look to your boss, don’t look to the government, look to…Code Monkey!” Continue reading


REVIEW: “The Mocking Dead” #2

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Cory Thrall

WRITTEN BY: Fred Van Lente
ARTWORK BY: Max Dunbar
LETTERING BY: Simon Bowland

Humor in comics are making a big splash, whether it be an indie or major publisher, and I think it’s a great thing.  The comic world as a whole suffers when creators and publishers take their entire line of books too seriously, and for a long time this was the case. Continue reading